Huawei Gains Ground in Chipset Development with Reported CPU Core Advancements

HomeComputer AccessoriesCPUsHuawei Gains Ground in Chipset Development with Reported CPU Core Advancements


  • Huawei’s Taishan V120 core matches AMD’s Zen 3 core performance from 2020.
  • The Taishan V120 is part of Huawei’s Kirin 9000s SoC, utilizing 7-nanometer technology.
  • Benchmarks reveal Huawei is closing the performance gap with industry leaders.
  • Huawei navigates US sanctions, adjusting its chip production strategy.

Huawei, the renowned Chinese technology firm, has made remarkable strides in advancing its chipset technology, particularly in the development of its own  CPU cores.

These cores are crucial for a variety of computing devices, and while Huawei’s progress suggests it hasn’t yet matched the industry’s pinnacle, the company is steadily closing the gap with its competitors.

Benchmarks Highlight Huawei’s Competitive Edge

Benchmarks Highlight Huawei's Competitive Edge
Benchmarks Highlight Huawei’s Competitive Edge

Recent evaluations conducted by Tom’s Hardware, have put Huawei’s CPU development efforts into the spotlight.

Specifically, the performance of Huawei’s in-house Taishan V120 core has been compared to AMD’s Zen 3 cores, which were unveiled in 2020.

Although Huawei has not breached the forefront of CPU technology, its Taishan V120 core’s performance is indicative of significant progress, making it a viable option for a broad spectrum of the market.

The Taishan V120 core is integral to Huawei’s Kirin 9000s System-on-Chip (SoC), which combines four Taishan V120 cores with two ARM Cortex A510 cores.

This configuration aims to efficiently manage tasks of varying demands.

The Kirin 9000s employs a second-generation 7-nanometer process technology by SMIC, underscoring Huawei’s commitment to enhancing its chip manufacturing capabilities.

Navigating Challenges and Future Prospects

Navigating Challenges and Future Prospects
Navigating Challenges and Future Prospects

It’s important to note that the specific chip subjected to benchmark testing was associated with “Huawei Cloud OpenStack Nova,” leading to speculation that it might be related to the Kunpeng server CPU line, possibly the Kunpeng 930.

This server CPU, which was initially slated for a more advanced 5-nanometer process by TSMC and a launch in 2021, faced setbacks due to the comprehensive US sanctions against Huawei, prompting a reassessment of production strategies.


What recent achievements has Huawei made in CPU development?

Huawei has developed the Taishan V120 core, demonstrating performance levels comparable to AMD’s Zen 3 cores from 2020.

This signifies Huawei’s significant strides in closing the technological gap with leading CPU manufacturers.

How does Huawei’s Taishan V120 core contribute to its SoC?

The Taishan V120 core is a pivotal component of Huawei’s Kirin 9000s System-on-Chip, which also features ARM Cortex A510 cores.

This blend aims at delivering efficient performance across a range of tasks.

What does Huawei’s use of second-generation 7-nanometer technology imply?

Employing second-generation 7-nanometer technology for the Kirin 9000s SoC underscores Huawei’s commitment to enhancing its chip manufacturing prowess, despite facing global trade restrictions.

How have US sanctions impacted Huawei’s chipset production?

The sanctions led to a reassessment of Huawei’s chipset production, particularly affecting plans for the Kunpeng 930 server CPU.

Initially intended for a 5-nanometer TSMC process, Huawei had to adapt its strategy due to these sanctions.

What future prospects does Huawei face in CPU technology development?

Despite challenges, Huawei’s progress in CPU core development indicates a promising direction.

The company’s ability to innovate and adjust its strategies suggests a potential to compete more closely with industry leaders in the future.

Also Read: China’s SMIC to Mass Produce 5nm Chips for Huawei Amidst Rising Semiconductor Costs

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