The Evolution of Romance Scams Romance scams have been a persistent threat for years, with scammers using various methods to gain the trust of their targets before eventually requesting financial assistance under the guise of a fabricated emergency. Traditionally, these scams relied on text messages or voice calls to establish rapport with victims. But we are now living in the world of AI and this new face-swapping scam, which leverages easily available AI capabilities, is taking deception to a whole new level.

Deepfake Deception: Two Phones and a Face-Swap App According to a report by Wired, this novel scam involves the use of two phones and a face-swap app, making it more challenging to detect the fraud. The first method involves the use of laptops and phones, where scammers openly display their own faces while manipulating the identities of their targets using face-swapping technology. The second method is even more sophisticated, utilizing a web camera to capture the scammer’s face, which is then altered in real-time using AI-powered software.

The Cybercriminals Behind the Scam The perpetrators behind this scam are known as the “Yahoo Boys,” a group of experienced scammers with links to the infamous Nigerian prince email scams. These cybercriminals operate with a brazen disregard for the law, openly flaunting their conning activities on various social media platforms, including Facebook, TikTok, and Telegram. And it seems like no one is going to stop them.

Protecting Yourself from Face-Swapping Romance Scams Always throw caution to the winds. While the sophistication of this scam might seem daunting, there are steps you can take to protect yourself from falling victim:

Be wary of online relationships that progress rapidly or involve requests for financial assistance, especially in the form of loans or emergency funds. Verify the identity of your online connections through video calls or in-person meetings before establishing a deep emotional or financial connection.

Never send money or sensitive information to someone you’ve only met online, regardless of the circumstances they describe.  Trust your instincts – if something seems too good to be true or raises red flags, it’s better to err on the side of caution.