How to optimise the use of Personalizing Streaming Recommendations

Streaming services provide many features and one of the best is their ability to personalise every user’s streaming experience based on their watch history and preferences. Here’s how you can do that.

- Rate and Review what you watch: Always rate and review when you watch/listen to some content. When you provide feedback, it helps the streaming platform algorithm to understand your taste and it can come back to you with better auto recommendations. It will automatically show you content that you will most probably like.

- Create Your Profile: This is specifically important in case you plan on sharing your account with others. Always start by creating separate profiles for yourself and recommend the other users create one profile for themselves as well.

-  Explore Recommendations: Every streaming platform has a functioning algorithm that ensures you get the content you like. Take advantage of the platform's algorithms. Start by exploring recommended shows, movies, playlists, and channels based on your interests.